Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Really Foothill? Really?

Seriously is this some kind of joke. I mean look at these dress up days for Prom Spirit week:

Monday-Sunglasses Day

Tuesday-Sailor Day

Wednesday- Work-Out Day

Thursday- Jersey Day

Friday- Tie-Die Day

Today's was probably the biggest disappointment of them all. I mean come on sailor day? Is that the best they could come up with? Since I was up set about some of these days my friend showed this web site of all kinds of dress up days. The one that I really liked was Cowboys and Indians day. I mean that's simple and fun. And I bet a lot of people would dress up on that day. Tomorrow I will just wear a white v-neck, some basketball shorts, my knee-high socks with my Vans.


alec said...

you're awfully opinionated, maddy. i mean, some people might take this post offensively. i suggest you make an apology post in my honor.

Unknown said...

u would look stunning in a sailor suit...;)
and i liked your v-neck it made your freckles look quite amazing