Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Good, the Bad, and the Sleepy

I am now in Research and Tech for 3 hours today. All thanks to STAR testing. There are some good things about it but also some bad.


+ I can have my iTouch.

+ Can at least go on the Internet

+ I can have my phone out.

+ Can eat snacks

+ Blogging


- Power Point project #1

- Power Point project #2

- No WiFi for my iTouch :(

- Can't go on facebook

- I'm in here for 3 hours

When I showed my friend this list she said that I shouldn't have gone to school. I could have slept in 'till 9 or even 10 (testing 8-11:15). Or maybe even go to Starbucks and breakfast. Oh well.

Post Script- I just turned around and saw that my teacher was sleeping on his desk! That's a first. Not to mention these 2 guys in front on my are laying on the floor, leaning against the wall, feet on their chairs, iPods on, asleep.

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