Monday, June 1, 2009

"It's June?!"

I caught myself thinking that 5 times today.

  1. In Science (Per.1): writing down the date
  2. In Math (Per. 3): once again writing down the date
  3. Lunch: After my friend Megan said, "I got excited when I saw a June bug this morning."
  4. On the way to vocals practice: When my Grandma said, "I can't stand this June gloom."
  5. At practice: When I was talking to my friend Andrew and asked what day it was today.

I'm very excited that June has finally came. It's so hard to believe that we only have 3 weeks of school left. Not to mention that next week is the only "normal" week left. This week isn't normal since all the English teachers will be gone grading essays for 3 days. And then BOOM finals week right after that.

And you guys may or may not already know about my feelings for finals, easy. I just don't like that on the last day of school I have the two that requires the most work :English and Math. Also Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of that same week is the Worship Conference at Saddleback. All three of those days I sing with the choir. Oh boy, I've got a long week ahead of me.

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